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Today we have something more special and bigger for review than usual. The thing is that recently we have become an authorized software vendor of Sony Professional Displays Solutions and it generally means, that Look officially and works smoothly on any of their modern professional and consumer TVs. So, today here in our lab we have one of the most popular 4K HDR professional TVs for our testing and review. Ladies and Gentlemen, kindly meet 55-inch Sony FW-55BZ40H.
Well, this TV is powered by Android 10, with which we are closely familiar and have tested it dozen times. For example, in case of Google Chromecast set-top box.
This time we're going to skip unpacking and installation, because there is literally nothing to talk about, because everything was packed in one-color cardboard, it looks quite ergonomically and definitely is highly reliable. Besides, there is nothing special in the package as well. Here there is only a remote, but as usual in case of the most of the professional hardware.

Let's turn on this device and set it up to use with the Look. Everything looks familiar to us, we find the PlayStore, there we should find the Look app, install and launch it. We have already run all these actions several times. Next, the code and here we're, TV is added to the CMS.
Let's select one of the previously created playlists and layouts and send it all to our Sony. Just a few seconds and everything starts to play. I immediately would like to underline the quality of the picture itself, deep black and other colors. I think this screen is able to decorate any venue, like restaurant, hotel, business center lobby or any, where it is important to make a strong impression on the visitor. And it is produced to impress round-the-clock, which is one of the best things about professional hardware.

I must say, that usually we try all the devices during significant time frame to check the reliability. This particular piece of Sony has already been working for us continuously for a couple of weeks. And I should admit, that all things work just smoothly except several of the Look's features, like hardware reboot and live screenshot which require root rights availability. Also, the orientation change operates quite incorrect at the moment. But we were ready for these exceptions already before testing. Currently we work with the Sony tech team in order to create a customized apk. for their displays, where these features will run as expected.
Talking about real cons, we found only one. It's about an internal memory size, which is only 4GB specifically in this device. Since our app caches all internet-independent content right in the device's storage for normal offline playback, it can be really tricky to run the projects with a lot of high-definition and heavy-sized content items on this display.
All in all, Sony FW-55BZ40H has proven itself to be an excellent device with exceptional image quality and operation stability. More than it, its average worldwide cost of about 1300 USD looks quite reasonable comparing to competitors and makes this display one of the best-in-class SoC option within the market at the moment. And definitely, the full compatibility with Look and all our powerful features only strengthens this position.