Layer is a functional layout area where you can add any content elements, as well as other layers and widgets.
Adding Layer
To add a new layer, click on the Layer icon in the toolbar, or use the [L] hotkey.

Basic Layer Settings
1. To go to the settings, select a layer from the workspace or in the list of layers and click on the Settings tab.
To quickly move to the settings of any layer or widget, double-click on a required object.
2. The first group of settings is responsible for the size and positioning of the layer area. All values are specified in percentage.

3. Background color and transparency parameters can be configured for a layer.

4. If the Mute slider is on, content of the layer will be played without sound.
Adding Content to Layer

- To add content to a layer, click the Add content button in the layer settings panel.
- Select a required content item from the content list.
- If necessary, set the image playback mode (available only for image)
- To remove content from the layer, click on the cross icon next to the name of the added content item
Pictures display mode - a setting responsible for the method of displaying images.

Adding Layers and Widgets to Layer
You can add other layers and widgets to a layer. Items added to the layer will change their size and position values based on the size and position of the parent layer.

To add an item to a layer, select a layer in the workspace and click on the icon of the added item in the toolbar above the layer, or in the main toolbar on the right.