Content search and filtering
Searching and sorting types
- To find a content item by title, enter your query in the page navigation bar.
- To sort out displaying of content, point over the three dots to the right of the filtering icon and select a principle of content displaying: by the time it was added to the system or in alphabetical order.

Content Filters
To filter content with certain parameters, click on the filters icon and enter the required values in the right sidebar.

Content Types
To filter content by type, check the boxes you need.

Content Tags and Blocking Status
Content filtering by tags allows selecting content items with at least one of the selected tags assigned.
Content blocking status allows highlighting active or blocked content.

Content Size
This parameter allows filtering content within a specified content size range. Enable the Size slider and use the sliders to set the desired range.

The filter allows selecting content with activated content lifetime setting. Enable the Lifetime slider and set the time range within which the setting should be activated.

Content Upload Date
To find content that was uploaded in a specific time period, enable the Date of upload slider and set the time range.

Content Resolution
If a content item has resolution characteristics, it can be filtered accordingly. Activate the Resolution filter and use the sliders to adjust the range of the desired width and height of the content in pixels.
Reset Filters
To reset all filter parameters, move the cursor over the active filters counter, above the filter icon, and click on the cross that appears.