Weekly schedule settings
General Settings

1. Click the Schedule settings icon in the navigation bar of the schedule page or schedule card to open the weekly schedule settings.
2. In the opened side panel of the schedule settings at the very top, you can edit the name of the schedule and view general information about it.
3. The list of daily schedules added as part of the weekly schedule is located below.
- Click on the bar of the desired schedule to open the daily schedule settings in the additional sidebar.
- To delete a daily schedule from a weekly schedule, click the Delete icon.
4. Buttons for duplicating or deleting the entire weekly schedule are at the bottom.
Using the Schedule

1. To view the screens and groups in which the schedule is already used, click the Usage tab in Settings.
2. In the additional sidebar that opens, there is a list of screens to which the schedule is applied.
- Click Replace to replace the current schedule with a playlist or another schedule.
- Click Delete if you want to delete the schedule from the screen.
- Use the multi-select option if you want to replace or delete the schedule on several screens at once.
Read also: Schedules Interface, Creating And Editing The Schedule, Adding A Schedule To The Screen
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