Creating and editing the schedule
Creating a Schedule

1. In the schedule tab, click the Add Schedule button.
2. Enter a name for the new schedule and click Ok in the opened modal window.
3. In the weekly schedule table, reserve the days for the daily schedule and click Add daily schedule.
A daily schedule is a schedule that is played on specific days of the week. This schedule can contain many playlists scheduled for different time intervals throughout the day.
4. Enter a name for the daily schedule and click Add.
5. A time bar where you can add playlists opens below the daily schedule. Click Add playlist.

6. Select a playlist in the right sidebar and click Set time, then specify the time range when the playlist should play and click Save.

7. You can create multiple daily schedules and assign them to different days of the week.
Daily schedule editing
Daily schedule settings

1. Click the color bar of the desired schedule in the weekly calendar to continue with editing the daily schedule.
2. All playlists of the daily schedule on the time bar opens below, playlists is colored in the colors of the selected daily schedule.
3. Empty cells labeled Add playlist — are free time ranges where you can add playlists.
Playlists cannot overlap in time, so if you want to add a new playlist to an already occupied time range, you must first delete the previous playlist or edit its playback time.
4. The right side panel contains the selected daily schedule settings.

5. Here you can change the daily schedule name and color tag.
6. You can quickly remove or assign a daily schedule to the desired days of the week in a mini weekly calendar.
7. Under the weekly calendar, you can assign a daily schedule layout. The layout applied to a daily schedule will be applied to all playlists within that schedule.
Important note! The layout can be applied to the entire daily schedule or individually to each playlist within that schedule. If you need to assign a general layout for all playlists within a daily schedule, this can be promptly done in the schedule settings, or if you need different layouts for each playlist, then you can do it in the daily schedule playlist settings.
8. You can duplicate or delete the daily schedule in the settings.
Replace and delete daily schedule playlists

1. Click the Replace icon on the right side of the playlist to replace one playlist with another, then select the new playlist in the right sidebar and click Replace.
2. Simply click the Remove from schedule icon on the right side of the playlist to remove a playlist from the daily schedule.
View and edit daily schedule playlists

1. To open the settings, click the desired playlist in the schedule.
2. You can edit this playlist's start and end time in the opened sidebar.
3. Also, an individual layout for the playlist can be assigned under the time settings (if the general layout for the daily schedule has not been assigned before).
4. The list of content of the selected playlist will be located below.
Read also: Schedules Interface, Adding A Schedule To The Screen, Weekly Schedule Settings